Community Outreach

Coffee With Cops

Coffee with Cops is an open discussion forum with members of the Hobbs Police Department, where numerous members of the community gather with Hobbs Police Department officers and staff to discuss current events and topics relevant to the community. Numerous members, including members of non-profit organizations, committee members, and other individuals involved in our local community attend these open forums because they appreciate the non-formal setting where they can discuss current or upcoming events. It is a relaxing and informative way for anyone to start their Wednesday mornings with some of Hobbs’ finest and other city of Hobbs members.

Citizen's Police Academy

The academy normally takes place in the Fall. Check back for more information on dates and how to apply!

Prepare for an in-depth experience behind the badge! This program will take our citizens behind the scenes and show them the day-to-day activities that are done at the Hobbs Police Department!

Ride-alongs, sobriety test wet lab, drug/K9 course, traffic stops, and much more!